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Discover bobsleigh at the Olympic track in La Plagne

By TravelFactory , 20/10/2022
A family of four in a bob sled at the bobsleigh facility in La Plagne

Although the sport is often seen as the domain of Olympic athletes, it is also accessible to amateurs, notably at the La Plagne ski area. La Plagne’s bobsled track was built for the 1992 Winter Olympic Games, but it remains open to thrill-seeking holidaymakers who would like to walk in the footsteps of the Olympians. So, it’s the perfect addition to our series on Ski Activities.

Let’s see what it takes to become a bona fide bob sledder...or at least, part of the team! 

What is bobsleigh? 

Invented in St Moritz, Switzerland in 1884, bobsleigh has seen a renaissance at ski areas in recent years. Two to four athletes hop aboard a sled and race down an icy track, vying for the best time. Efficiency at the starting block—which can shave off a few milliseconds—is often the deciding factor of a race. The push off is also of vital importance. 

Bob sleigh is considered an extreme sport, much like the winter equivalent of Formula One Racing. Team members can attain speeds of up to 100 miles an hour! So, the adrenaline rush is intense, and safety is of the utmost importance. This is not an activity to be undertaken lightly or without proper supervision.  

A pilot guides the sled and the other crew members serve as brake men or push athletes, either performing the push off or bringing the sled to a stop (or both!). Different sorts of tracks exist, depending on what kind of experience you’re looking for. Because the event is so intense, tracks are relatively short (an average of one mile). 

If you think you’re up to the challenge, let’s look at the prerequisites so that you can get started! 

Prerequisites for bobsleigh 

Bobsleigh is an event that requires professional athletes to be in top physical condition. Even amateurs and holidaymakers should have a good level of physical fitness to participate in supervised sessions. Strength training is essential, especially targeting the legs. You’ll need a lot of lower body strength to run and push off. Sleds can weigh up to 450 pounds! 

In addition to training, it’s important to pay attention to your diet before trying bobsleigh. Start a few days before your holiday. Privilege the intake of natural sugars (grains, root vegetables, fruit) and protein. You’ll need a lot of energy! 

A typical bobsleigh session  

A family of four in a bob sled on an icy track

In La Plagne, you can select the type of track you’d like to try and indicate the number of participants in your party. Needless to say, holidaymakers are always accompanied by seasoned professionals, who pilot the sled—a task which takes years of training and experience. 

There are three main activities to choose from. They all last less than 15 minutes from start to finish. Will you venture onto the track for bob raft, speed luge, or bob racing?  

  • A bob raft is an automated, driverless sled (yes, you read that right!) with an automatic braking system. Bob raft rides are safe for holidaymakers 13 and older because the sled does all the work, and speeds do not exceed 80km per hour. Why not go as a family? 

Cost: 49€ per person 

  • Speed lunge was designed for adults and teens 16 and older who want to go it alone. It is important to emphasise that this is not an amusement park ride. You agree to respect strict safety rules and hop into your sled at your own risk. You’ll fly down the track at 90km per hour. Note that you’ll pass the time bent into a “U” shape, so it’s not at all like a sleigh ride. The whole thing takes less than a minute! 

Cost: 119€ per person 

  • Bob racing allows you to gain the most speed. Accompanied by a professional driver, you’ll zip to the finish line at almost 120km per hour! The “U” shape applies here, too. Runs are very intense—you’ll be limited to three at a time. (In La Plagne, bob racing is only offered on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, so plan accordingly.) 

Cost: 135€ per person 

Due to high speeds and tight turns, sledders are subject to a strong G-force. If you get sick on roller coasters, this is probably not the sport for you.  

Video: A ride in a bobsled!

Equipment and clothing for bobsleigh 

Bobsleigh is never practiced without the proper protection, and Paradiski in La Plagne is stocked with a variety of safety equipment. Equipment rental is the most practical option unless you’re planning on competing for a medal in the Olympic Games. Bob sledding equipment costs a small fortune. 

Safety equipment 

Sleds have neither brakes nor seatbelts, so it is essential to be properly equipped and take common sense safety precautions. You’ll be provided with a helmet and guidance from the pros. It’s your job to listen closely to the safety briefing and follow the instructions to the letter. 


Ski wear is largely sufficient for bobsleigh. You won’t need your ski boots, of course. Snow boots or trainers are just fine. Even though runs last just a minute or so, remember that this is still an outdoor winter activity, so it’s important to stay warm and dry

Here’s a quick recap of the clothing you’ll need:   

  • A base layer: a thermal pants or leggings and a shirt    

  • A mid-layer: either a jumper or a fleece jacket   

  • A top layer: a ski jacket and gloves   

  • Warm socks   

  • Sun cream  

  • A wool hat  

  • Snow boots or trainers 

Don’t know what to pack for your ski holiday? Check out our guide: What to Wear Skiing.   


Where can I go bobsledding in France? 

A snow-covered La Plagne ski resort in the distance with a bobsleigh track

Bobsleigh is a niche sport that requires Olympic-sized infrastructure, so it’s not as widely available as other après ski activities. In fact, there are only a few tracks in all of Europe! France’s only bobsleigh track is located at Paradiski in La Plagne. It was built for the 1992 Winter Olympic Games and is still in use, welcoming pros and amateurs alike. The track opens annually on December 10th.  

Located in the heart of the Tarentaise Valley, La Plagne is easily accessible by train, plane, and automobile, and it’s earned its reputation as ‘the most popular ski area in the world.’ It’s home to over 420km of pistes, and some of the most unique winter activities around, including bobsleigh, ice climbing, snow parks, and more. Perfect for the adventurer in you!